Futebol dá FORÇA's leadership training & certification Part 1:
Values-based Leadership Module 4
1. Check-in & Check-out
Now we're moving out on the football field.
In this module we will focus on practical tools to put your knowledge
from the previous modules in practice on the football field.

We start with the tool Check-in and Check-out,
and how to start and end your training sessions with this tool
to create a safe space and to build trust in your team,
and how this tool positively can impact
your individual players' and your team's performance.

Post Covid-19, we will film this tool in action with players so that
you can get a better understanding of how to do this with your team.

2. Co-create a culture within your team
In this video, you will learn how to co-create a culture in your team, and what impact it can have on your team and your players. By learning how to use the tool to co-create a culture within your team, it will be easier for you to create a safe space for your players.

Post Covid-19, we will film this tool in action with players so you can get a better understanding of how to do this with your team.
3. Support children in vulnerable situations
In this video, we will talk about how you should act if you have players that experience vulnerable or difficult situations and how you can support them through these situations by using the 3B-Model:
Be near, be quiet & listen and be there.
4. Cognitive skills
In this video, you will learn why football in itself is a great tool to develop and empower your players through developing your players' cognitive skills. We will go through what cognitive skills are, why they are important, how they develop and why a football field is a great place for that to happen.
If you're already a coach, try to check in and check out with your team before the next certification session.
You can of course also try any of the other tools from this module.

Even if you don't have a team, you can find other ways to test the tools out in practice,
maybe practicing them at work or at home.

Bring your experience and reflection to the fourth certification session.

To complete Module 4, participate in the fourth certification session on Zoom.
You find the link in the WhatsApp group for your training.
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